trademark registration
tm reg

Trademark registration in Bangalore is an effective communication tool and we are going to explore some trending facts of trademark registration in bangalore. In a single brand and logo we can convey the proprietor’s product. It captures attention for the customers. Trademark is another way of referring to the brands. It is easy for the people to find you. Trademark provides ease online for the users to identify. On being successfully registered, it’s protection last up to lifetime. A trademark is an exclusive form of Intellectual property that makes distinction among the competitors. The owner of the register trademark is entitle to initial legal proceedings. Also there is higher degree of brand reputation for a business. If someone else makes an attempt to use something similar enough to confuse consumers you have the right to protect legally and to stop other party.

Logo registration in Bangalore

To begin with logo registration, Logo is a symbol and an easy way of conveying about the product. Logo registration in Bangalore is to find whether the intend logo is existing or not. Brand registration in Bangalore helps to protect the brand name legally. Trademark registration in Bangalore is done in various consultants. Trademark registration in Bangalore takes 18 to 24 months time .The logo, brand and design comprises of the trademark and hence it must be registered. As like registering the company the brand must also be registered. It must not be used by others. So brand registration in Bangalore is important. The design involved must also go through design registration.

Usually, Trademark is registered under Trademark Act1999. The trade mark act was enacted with the intent to revise the ACT in congruity with latest developments. TM act 1958 was passed to address the witness in Trademark Act 1940. Trademark Act also consolidated the provisions associated with trademarks in Indian Penal Code, Criminal Procedure code and Sea customs. Trademark Act 1999 replaced Tm Act 1958.Trademark Act 1999 has the following features:

*Statutory protection was extended to well known trademarks

*widened the scope and purview of trademark in India

*Provision for registration of collective marks.

Trending facts of Trademark registration and TM Infringement

In particular, Infringement of Trademark means violation of exclusive rights granted to the properitorunder Trademark Act 1999.Sections 29 and Section 30 lay down certain provisions for protecting registered trademarks. Also Section 29 says if un register proprietary uses trademark then legal action must be taken in logo registration.

Remedy for infringement

*Restraining the future use of the mark

*Seizure and confiscation of infringing goods by police department.

*Arrest of infringers


Filing for Application


Howerver, the sign filed for registration must appear in the application form. If it is intend that it should be in color specimen and description of colors must be submitted. The trademark registration in Bangalore application must contain following information.

*Logo or trademark.

A soft copy of logo in JPEG format.

*Name and address of trademark owner.


*Trademark used since date

*Description of the goods.

*Fees that requires for the registration.

*Agent and attorney detail.

If a three dimensional sign is filed, it is necessary to claim protection for the three dimensional sign.

Acceptance of application

Only if formal requirements are fulfill then the application will be accepted.

Rejection of Application

Before total or partial refusal of the application the registrar should give an opportunity for the applicant to make some corrections.

Advertisement of the application

Generally, if the application is accepted then it is subject to the advertisement. The main purpose of this advertisement is to enable the opposition to file objection.

Opposition to registration

Within three months from date of advertisement with the prescribed fee one can oppose the registration of trademark (brand registration).


 The registrar shall issue to the applicant a Certificate of registration under seal of Trademark Registry. When the proper documents are submit and after completion of these processes; Trademark registration in Bangalore should have the responsibility in sending notice regarding renewal of the trademark. Because the trademark has the validity of 10 years. Before 6 months of expiry trademark is subjected to renewal. So it is necessary to pay nominal fee for in every 10 years and fill renewal forms. This symbol is used for an unregistered Trademark. SM – This symbol is used for unregistered Service Mark . R-This symbol is for registered Trademark.

Who can apply for Trademark Registration in Bangalore

An individual

Joint owners

Proprietorship firm

Partnership firm

Limited Liability Partnership

Indian Companies


Foreign Companies

Logo registration

*Logo registration is easy when you register with LegalDocs Experts. Among 45 classes select a


class under which your product lies.

*File application online

*You can use  TM symbol

*Any objection are there, it requires enquiry.

*If no objections then it will be publish in journals.

Brand registration
brand reg

Brand Registration is the fourth basic step. The first step has Domain registration; second is the Business registration; third is important Trademark registration in Bangalore and fourth step is to copyright registration to avoid duplication of brand name.

Design Registration

Design registration is to protect features of shape, configuration pattern and color combination. It lasts for 5 years.

The LegalDocs Experts need to do the following.

*Free trademark search

*Expert consultation

*Best Document practices

*End to end support

The documents need are Scan copy of registration Certificate, Signed trademark application, PAN card or Passport, Scanned copy of voter’s ID or Passport or Driver’s  license. And JPEG format of logo.

Fees for Trademark registration

Trademark registration in Bangalore will charge rs .4500(for individuals, startups Small and Medium Enterprise).and rs.9000 for others.

Types of Trademark

*Generic mark

*Descriptive mark

*Suggestive mark

*Fanciful mark

*Arbitrary mark

Conclusion of trending facts of trademark registration in Bangalore

Trademark registration in Bangalore builds trust and goodwill which will ensure permanent Customers and always choose the brand. Global trademark registration is possible if one registers in India and can use it as a base. Trademark registration in Bangalore makes it protected for 10 years at low cost. It attracts human resources. It inspires positive image of the organization and thus attracts young talents. The main demerit in trademark registration in Bangalore is you have to pay fees in every 10 years in order to maintain it. Non- Payment  of renewal fees may cause removal of trademark  register. The Trademark registration is in the area of Intellectual property rights which helps the target audience to gain reputation. To know more about trending facts of trademark registration in maruthi seva nagar bangalore, click here.

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