
Patent search in Chennai



A patent search is the first and vital stage during the time spent patent registration in India. Before you comprehend how to do a patent search on the web, it is vital to know what is a patent ?

There are different stages accessible for patent search that are liberated from cost or have paid memberships. To find out about these stages read this blog.

What is a patent search?

Before we comprehend the idea of patent search, we should initially figure out the patent. A patent alludes to one side conceded by the government to the candidate or the creator of an innovation. The right will avoid others in the market from making, selling, making available for purchase, or bringing in the licensed product(s) or process(s).

One of the fundamental circumstances to be satisfied for patent registration is a curiosity for example the development should be exceptional across the world.

A patent search provides you with a sign of what data is open in the public space in regards to the proposed development. It will help with recognizing and looking at coordinating or important patent or non-patent records to decide the patentability of the proposed innovation.

Significance of a patent search

The fundamental point of a patent search is to tell the candidate, the designer, about the patentability. The word ‘patentability’ implies that an innovation qualifies every one of the important necessities for example curiosity, non-conspicuousness, and modern use.

How a patent search does helps in deciding the patentability?

Step by step instructions to do a patent search

There are different stages accessible online for patent search, few are liberated from cost and others have paid memberships. The Indian government has its own IP India Patent Search site which has a tremendous data set of licenses enlisted in India. Steps to be followed:

1: Understand the idea of patent search

Ideally, the idea of patent search is clear at this point. Defining your objectives and know what you are searching for is significant.

Let’s comprehend the contrast between Patent Searching and Prior Art Searching. The reason for the patent search is to tell you, the inventor, about the patentability of your creation. While, earlier craftsmanship looking is a little extreme and complete search about the topic of the development.

2: Invention divulgence

Till now you probably understood that patent search is an intricate undertaking and taking the assistance of an Expert is exceptionally fitting. Hence, your Patent Attorney should comprehend the creation before they direct a patent search.

3: Identifying key elements

When the development has been uncovered, you ought to list down primary key highlights of the innovation. This progression simplifies the search. Investing energy distinguishing basic qualities permits us to guarantee that we cover all components of the thought without copying work.

Try not to endeavor to be too innovative while perceiving highlights. Utilize typical language and just examine the most urgent parts of the development. There is no limitation here; you can utilize total sentences to enough recognize each significant characteristic depending on the situation.

4: Search engines

Patent information base locales give a few choices to patent search. Any of these can be utilized for the search contingent upon the reason or interest. Pretty much every National Patent Office has its own site where you might look for licenses like IP India Patent Search.

As you might find in the above picture, IP India is an administration site like USPTO having information connected with patent applications. It is liberated from cost, nonetheless, it is hard to utilize and slow.


Imperative data for patent search

Anyone that has any of the accompanying data can look for patent or patent status:

Application Date



Complete Specification

Application Number

Patent Number

Applicant Number

Applicant Name

Inventor Name

Inventor Country

Inventor Address

Filing office

PCT Application Number

PCT Publication number

Kinds of patent search

There are five types of searches anybody can perform and they are as per the following:

Freedom to Operate Search (FTO)

This sort of search is otherwise called right to utilize or leeway search. By and large, this sort of search is performed before the development dispatches in the business market to keep away from encroachment.

A FTO examination is compelled to licenses that are dynamic or enrolled, it does exclude licenses that terminated or are deserted. Further, the FTO search covers patent applications as well as given licenses to guarantee that the proposed item or cycle encroaches on no other patent.

For example: If somebody is wanting to send off an item in India, it is smart to do a patent search in India first. The search can help with finding any possibly enforceable Patents an in Indian area. By doing a patent search in Chennai, one can find out about the legitimate status of possibly enforceable licenses an on Indian area.

Patentability/Novelty search

It is one of the most widely recognized kinds of patent search and helps the designer in understanding that the development comes quite close to patentable topic. It is by and large performed by an expert previously, during the improvement of the development, or preceding recording the patent application.

There are different procedures to lead a patentability search and are as per the following:

International Patent Classification (IPC)

Keyword search

Assignee Search

Application ID Search

State of the art search

It is the broadest sort of search among different kinds of patent search. A cutting edge search is just a market overview that is done to decide the presence of comparative innovations on the lookout. This search additionally yields results about rivals and mirrors the mechanical improvement in the subject of interest.

At last, by distinguishing the pattern of existing items or processes on the lookout, this search supports limiting the exorbitant consumption of cash on creations with no imminent market.

Patent/Technology scene examination

It is a high level form of a cutting edge search and requires a more profound comprehension of the development of innovation, huge players, existing and impending opponents, and changes in the ordered pattern.

As such, it includes doing an exhaustive search and examination of Patent information in a particular article situated way to acquire bits of knowledge from Patent search information pertinent to an innovation space.

Validity/Invalidity search

This kind of search is performed after the patent is allowed. The objective of this search is to assess whether a patent gave for a development is genuine rather than past workmanship that was distributed preceding the date of recording of the patent application.

Patent shortcoming/legitimacy look are frequently embraced during encroachment prosecution or to alleviate the gamble of encroachment.

A patent validity search is a search embraced to approve the cases of a patent. Then again, on the off chance that the search is embraced to nullify the cases of a specific development, it is alluded to as a patent deficiency search. The strategy for both searches is something similar, yet the not set in stone by the target of the search.


Subsequent to searching this inside and out blog, it tends to be reasoned that patent search is an essential choice and the search relies upon the topic of the innovation.

People can do their own inquiries on the free patent search data sets referenced above; in any case, patent search administration is an extremely confounded point, and basic decisions including huge future patent uses are reliant upon the quest for licenses.

Thus, it is consistently ideal to recruit an exceptionally equipped expert for the search, one that has an extraordinary mix of Technical, Analytical, and Patent mastery.

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